My Mission Statement

I write to serve, to unite, to educate. I write to share literature and flesh out ideas that may be of interest to others. I write to document an emotion, experience, or a blip in time. My mission is to write in such a way that the reader is reminded that we can find humor in all situations. It's one of the great blessings of life.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The First Week of School

Can't sleep, tummy ache, check the schedule, I can't wait. What to wear? Is it clean? First day breakfast deserves something better than cereal. Will the school supplies fit in the bookbag? Will we wake up on time? Will the teachers be nice or mean? aarrgghh!

I don't know what the KIDS are going through, but these are all the things going through my mind. ha ha My girls had their first day of high school yesterday, then my elementary school boys begin tomorrow. SO we have not one but TWO first days this week. I'm very excited about the school experiences our children will have this year, but I know this time of transition can be tough. Especially my girls at their new school.

I wanted to have a kind of special dinner last night for the girls' first day, so I asked my husband to grill steaks while I picked up the sports carpool. SO I put potatoes in the crock pot to bake, and it worked great. (I rolled the potatoes in olive oil and kosher salt and drizzled a tiny bit of truffle oil, pierced them, then wrapped them in tin foil and put them in the crock pot) So yet another wonderful adaptation of the crock pot.

I miss writing. It's like a magical room I enter every day and come out invigorated and renewed. It's very much a spiritual connection. So on weeks like this when I am devoted to kid stuff and school supplies and such, I feel disconnected from myself in a way. So maybe, just maybe I'll find an hour to steal later. But at the least, I start tomorrow in earnest. Seriously. Big time. Major writing day. Tomorrow. Can't wait.

And then there's MOCKINGJAY that came out today. I can't WAIT to read it. No spoilers, please!

This morning my son said to me, "Do you really think my new teacher is that nice? Or are you just saying that so I won't complain about going back to school?"

Right now, he's having a breakdown because he's lost the head of his legoman who "obviously can't drive the helicopter safely with no head!!", so I guess I'd better go make a head out of cookie dough or something equally ridiculous.

Have a great day.

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