My Mission Statement

I write to serve, to unite, to educate. I write to share literature and flesh out ideas that may be of interest to others. I write to document an emotion, experience, or a blip in time. My mission is to write in such a way that the reader is reminded that we can find humor in all situations. It's one of the great blessings of life.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's a Monsoon!

It really IS a monsoon. It's been pouring for days or at least I THOUGHT it had been pouring for days until it started POURING today, and now I realize yesterday was just a sprinkle.

It is FAIR week in Chowan County. We have the best little small town fair EVAH! I thought the whole week would be a washout but then yesterday the clouds parted for just a bit in the afternoon, and we decided to switch up our fair night. SO last night was a sparkly blur of giant colored lightbulbs, squealing children, and fair food that I might have described as delicious yesterday, but today I can't even bear to think about it. The fair wasn't crowded at all, so the kids ran off one ride and on to another all night until their sweet faces were green around the edges. So then we played a few games and the children learned valuable lessons in the art of swindling as sleazy fellow after sleazy fellow told them how easy their game was. ha ha This morning my youngest son boasted that he had cotton candy, a sno cone, and a candy apple last night. He also added that he would probably not eat sweets again until Halloween. They were all grouchy and still clutching their bellies this morning but happy they had once again conquered The Claw, The Ring of Fire, The Himalayan, and the Egyptian Revenge.

I have been wrestling with a character in a manuscript for months. She gets me so ticked off. First she's all sweetness and light, luring me in, letting me fall in love with her character and all the possibilities. We travel together into just the perfect tight spot for her character. The set up is great and fun, the language is nearly right, the humor is subtle but strong, and then, what? I DON'T KNOW. Remember in Mike Mulligan and the Steam Shovel when the author got the steam shovel down in the hole but didn't know what to do next? And a kid in her neighborhood made a suggestion, she followed it (it was great), and she credited the kid in the book on that very page. Well, I need that kid. I mean, where is he now? I think I'll google him and say,"Look, I've got something I need you to take a look at."

I read this darling new chapter book yesterday. I was actually moved to TEARS because it was the sweetest character and the most precious story. It is North Carolina's own Stephanie Greene's PRINCESS POSEY AND THE FIRST GRADE PARADE. Wonderful little early chapter book. I just LOVED the main character and hope we'll see more of her in books to come. I suspect we will as that is the chapter book trend right now. Check it out!

Speaking of CHECK IT OUT, the new librarian at Shepherd-Pruden Library in town is really doing a great job. She's got the new YA section up and running! Now those of you who live in larger communities are probably AGHAST (and you should be) that we didn't even HAVE a YA section in our library until very recently. I won't even tell you how few books we still have, BUT if anyone wants to contribute, you can sponsor an author for a mere $15. That enables the library to buy that author's newest books and put them on the shelf (with a card inside that says you donated it). So whether you live in our community or not, it is a GREAT cause.

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