My Mission Statement

I write to serve, to unite, to educate. I write to share literature and flesh out ideas that may be of interest to others. I write to document an emotion, experience, or a blip in time. My mission is to write in such a way that the reader is reminded that we can find humor in all situations. It's one of the great blessings of life.

Monday, March 4, 2013

It's March 4th, so let us MARCH FORTH

     Over the past few months, something has become very clear to me.  Common Core Curriculum demands my time and attention.  Whether I like it or not, it is time for me to learn it, master it, clarify it as necessary, and then apply it to the field of children's literature.  I realized years ago that the best way to master a subject is to teach it, so here I am.  I now proclaim my blog to be the temporary homeplace of the Common Core Curriculum and its implications for children's literature.  It is time for me to jump into the deep end and paddle like hell.  Is anyone with me?

    Because here's the thing, I am not the only one who wants and needs to learn this information.  I am not the only one paddling through it, but it seems like I should share what I learn anyway.  AND it will help me to learn it better if you hold me accountable.

     Here are my goals.  Together, we will examine section by section of the CCCS, discern the meaning of the objectives, and their implications for children's writers.  I KNOW there is a great demand for books that complement the new standards, so for those of us who earnestly desire a career in children's publishing, this journey is 'required reading'.  Why not have a fun learning adventure TOGETHER?  See, we're almost looking forward to it, now.

     While I do not claim any expertise on the subject of the CCCS, I hope my background in education and curriculum as an undergraduate and graduate student will be helpful in this process.  I KNOW that my contacts in that field will be helpful to us all.  I have gathered a wonderful group of people who are 'experts' (as expert as you can be so early in the process) in their own little corner of this subject.  By interviewing them all, I hope we can piece together a real body of knowledge.

     So join me today, March 4th, as we MARCH FORTH into the world of Common Core Curriculum Standards.   Please join me in the effort to educate ourselves on this important topic.  If we can discern the most helpful way that we, as writers, can support the educational environment, we will have more readers in the world.
     So who's in?  Ask yourself today, AM I IN?  (If you're on the fence, there WILL be prizes--not sure how and why, but I know that's an important motivating factor for you guys....)
     And by the way, Happy Birthday to Theodore "Crazy" Judah.  He is the topic of my current work-in-progress.  Does anyone else know who he is?

1 comment:

Tracy Barrett said...

I'm in! Looking forward to learning more and making what modest contributions I can.

Isabel by Donna Jones Koppelman

Isabel by Donna Jones Koppelman

Major Bear at the Grove Park Inn by Donna Jones Koppelman

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