Is there anyone better to appreciate than a teacher?
You know, there are people who love our children as their own, who want them to succeed as much as we do, and who delight in their clever turns of phrases. A teacher is the most special kind of person who can give and give and give, knowing that he or she may not ever see the results of the hard work. Think of how hard it is to parent one or two or four kids. Every day you try to instill a value system, manners, and a good work ethic, but it'll be a good eighteen years before we begin to see the results. Consider teachers who do this with TONS of kids. Imagine how discourage they could become if they let themselves be, if they weren't guarded and guided by a higher cause. How often do you think their students thank them for all their hard work?
Well, this week has been teacher appreciation week, and you, like me, may have spent hours in the kitchen cooking for this teacher appreciation lunch or that appreciation breakfast. And it's all good, believe me. But I challenge you to write a note, too, to one of YOUR teachers. From long ago, that taught you something. Surely you can cough up someone. It might even be a family member, but somebody taught you something or you wouldn't be reading this post.
Okay I'm off the soap box. We had a fabulous storm this morning, and now the sun is out and beautiful. What a day. I get to pick up my son at preschool and go watch Arnold Palmer play golf. How cool is that?
Who out there is starting to feel the squeeze of the economy? I filled up my tank yesterday, and it was $97! Granted, it was, perhaps, the most empty it has ever been, but I actually felt a little faint. Sometimes hard economic times can actually act as a depressant on a country, but sometimes it can spur people to action. I hope and I pray that ol' Ben Franklin's 'Necessity is the mother of invention' is about to kick in, because the America I know and love has the stuff to make creative gains and strides in the midst of this crisis. I heard yesterday that the average American is using 25% less gasoline. That's a good start. What other needs can we address creatively as Americans? Can you think of some problems that need creative solutions? I'd like to hear from you because I know that some of America's best and brightest minds come right here to this blog. You don't have to propose a solution, let's just start by identifying some needs. Brainstorm with me some of the current or pending 'necessities' that will soon mother inventions. We'll think about solutions 'tomorrow', and maybe our subconscious minds will just have a field day with it!
Short list of needs, please add to it:
1. Gas conservation
2. More urgency in recycling
Have a great week-end. djk
Welcome to ChitChat. I am the mother of four children and a writer of children's literature trying to make sense of it all. Join me as we talk about family, children, education, current events and GREAT BOOKS!
My Mission Statement
I write to serve, to unite, to educate. I write to share literature and flesh out ideas that may be of interest to others. I write to document an emotion, experience, or a blip in time. My mission is to write in such a way that the reader is reminded that we can find humor in all situations. It's one of the great blessings of life.
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Isabel by Donna Jones Koppelman

Major Bear at the Grove Park Inn by Donna Jones Koppelman

#3. Conservation of clean water to drink, and estuary water to ensure baby fishes a safe home to grow to maturity. (That means fewer water side homes.)
#3 1/2 (this piggy backs #3) Stop buying bottled water. The plastic is bad for you and the bottles are rarely recycled!
#4 Set air conditioning higher than usual and dress cool to cut down electric usage and costs.
GREAT ONES! I especially like (okay, hate) to stop buying bottled water because it's a challenge I can take on TODAY. I went to the Dollar Tree last night and bought everyone in the family these cute neoprene water bottles with straps and everything. Kids are totally into them. Maybe I should be, too!
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