My Mission Statement

I write to serve, to unite, to educate. I write to share literature and flesh out ideas that may be of interest to others. I write to document an emotion, experience, or a blip in time. My mission is to write in such a way that the reader is reminded that we can find humor in all situations. It's one of the great blessings of life.

Monday, June 2, 2008

A Dry Run

This week is a dry run for me, I guess. My youngest is visiting my mom in Georgia, so I have no little sidekick. When I drop off carpool, I'm on my own until I pick it up. No little feet following me around the house, no sweet little legs to walk to the park, and no voice calling for me. I've gotta admit, it's been nice this morning. I cleaned out the boys' room AND the playroom.

Last night, my older son realized his brother was gone for the week. He promptly packed a week's worth of clothes, pajamas, underwear, and EVEN A TOOTHBRUSH. Then he proceeded up the stairs to stay with his sister in her room. Apparently, he didn't plan to come down the stairs AT ALL given the pile of stuff he hauled up there. So I waited in the laundry room to hear my YD's response. I have to say, she handled herself well. She said he could stay one night but he couldn't bring his stuff. And every night she'd decide yes or no about that night. She's ten, almost eleven, and needs privacy sometimes, she explained. He was pretty bummed, but happy to stay last night. I just think it's sweet how much he adores his sister.

Since the baby wasn't home, we watched a family movie last night (that he wouldn't have liked). The Pursuit of Happiness with Will Smith. It was wonderful (nearly as good as the book) and a great family movie. Even though there are several bad words including a moment when the kid looks at graffiti and asks if 'fuck' is spelled correctly. So be prepared for that one. But the message of the movie is awesome. It really puts things in perspective for kids.

Okay, well, now I've gotta run, and I hope this entry posts because I noticed my last two postings were dropped for some reason....have a great day!

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