My Mission Statement

I write to serve, to unite, to educate. I write to share literature and flesh out ideas that may be of interest to others. I write to document an emotion, experience, or a blip in time. My mission is to write in such a way that the reader is reminded that we can find humor in all situations. It's one of the great blessings of life.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Economic Theory

The demise of the American economic system is a sad situation. We are struggling as a country, a nation and even as a global economy. There's not a neighborhood in the United States without a person in trouble, in pain, and hurt by this fallen economy. And why? What has been the impetus for such a crash? What brought this on? Well, I have a theory. The fall of the American economy is due to one thing, it has to be, and that one thing is Crackbook, er, Facebook. Banks are issuing flawed loan packages because loan officers have one eye on their list of friends. The situation skewed out of control because millions of people were too busy taking quizzes about what state they were or designing Zwinkies. Formerly honest, hard-working Americans are failing their country to reconnect with old friends, a noble concept to be sure, but are we willing to pay $5 a gallon for gas, just so we can have our Facebook? Now I've only been a part of this strange subculture for one day, so I can't say for sure. But my guess is that if we asked Facebookians to disconnect for the good of the American economic system, their children's college fund, and the health care of their parents, they'd say no. So, John Edwards, when do the lawsuits begin? Because this is ten times for addictive than any cigarette I've ever smoked.


Anonymous said...

Donna, I think you may be on to something, however, I think your overall theory may be slighly skewed. One thing is for sure, the first time I read your blog I laughed out loud... seriously. The second time I read it, I began to worry... could I... a young professional(who loves her Facebook) with a mortage, a family, a life... be in trouble?? Anxiety set in and I was preoccupied as I was setting out to educate our future Facebookers. I believe that your theory is skewed for a number of reasons:
1. You SHOULD NOT Facebook at work. End of discussion.
2. The addiction begins to wear off after about a month.
3. I do not believe that self discipline and time management are deficient in Generation X and Y. I believe we are doing more now simultaneously than ever before. We are the generation(s) of mulitaskers.
....Maybe I'm just optimistic at heart, but I believe we can have our Facebook and our cake too! Please keep posted on her future thoughts.
:) B.B.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, whenever I check my FB page I find myself surfing the internet for good deals too. That's helping somehow, isn't it?!

Dorothy said...

You are one funny lady!!!

Donna Jones Koppelman said...

Thank you all for doing your part for the economy. Alison, keep up that online shopping. Were you, by chance, unable to do it yesterday?? The addiction is waning a bit, and I promise to stop writing about facebook.

Donna Jones Koppelman said...

Thank you all for doing your part for the economy. Alison, keep up that online shopping. Were you, by chance, unable to do it yesterday?? The addiction is waning a bit, and I promise to stop writing about facebook.

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Isabel by Donna Jones Koppelman

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