My Mission Statement

I write to serve, to unite, to educate. I write to share literature and flesh out ideas that may be of interest to others. I write to document an emotion, experience, or a blip in time. My mission is to write in such a way that the reader is reminded that we can find humor in all situations. It's one of the great blessings of life.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Post #318

Can you believe I'm doing this for the 318th time? Amazing. It's a beautiful morning, calling me outside to plan herbs and flowers and other hopeful things. However, I have a goal to meet by Wednesday, so I need to stay in and work. I know that I can do it.

I had an interesting weekend chock full of travel soccer. Weather was nice, sunny and breezy, and I spent maybe 10 hours on the soccer field watching a girls tournament this week-end. My daughter picked up soccer 'late' compared to her friends, she only began playing this year, so in countless ways she's playing WAY over her head. But I'm really proud of her for sticking it out and having such a great attitude. I love watching these girls play because most of them are amazing, gifted players at this level. It's like a choppy version of a perfect ballet, except choppy isn't the right word because that implies a break in fluidity which there's not. These girls are lovely in their youth and innocence, their sweet faces rapt with their focus on the ball. It's very nearly magical. Our girls are blessed with an encouraging coach, unlike some of the others we see. So it's a cool thing.

Last year on Mother's Day, I told my husband, "I haven't been with my mom on Mother's Day in way too long. You have a 365 day notice that next year I'm doing something, I don't know what, but something with my mom this year." SO with travel to NYC at the lowest price in years, my mom, sister, and I booked a trip to the Big Apple. I'm very excited for the three of us to share this trip. We leave on Thursday and return on Sunday, so I have a snippet of Mother's Day with my kiddos, too.

My YS announced this morning in carpool that the car was too crowded, couldn't they take turns being sick? Interesting problem solving skills. My oldest two girls begged to stay home and sleep all day, but the boys were raring to go. Spring has definitely set in when the school complaining begins. I think it's the first whiny morning of the year which means it's getting close to summer vacation.

You know, I've nearly made it through my first school year with all the kids in school. No major breakdown, but a few minor ones. :) For example, I picked a friend's daughter up at preschool on Friday, the preschool both my boys attended and a place I LOVE so much. I be-bopped over there to pick up the cutest little girl you've ever seen, but the minute, I stepped into the building, I started bawling. I couldn't help it. It took me back to this stage of my life that is so different from now. It was a precious, precious time, and I miss it in a way. Although, I LOVE the stage my kids are in now, their independence, their maturity, their consciousness, all of it, but there was something simple and pure about those preschool days that I know I'll NEVER have back. I suppose I'll think the same thing about elementary school one day,too. At any rate, I want to enjoy every minute with these precious kiddos.

Have a wonderful week! I'll have some book reviews soon, maybe tomorrow. Take care.

1 comment:

alison said...

wow! sounds like you've got a great trip planned this weekend. Don't you just love this time of year?!? So glad to hear soccer is going well! I can totally relate to the memories...although I'm still in the preschool years :). It was youth Sunday this weekend at our church. The seniors got up and spoke about their life in the church. I was tearing up just thinking about my kids standing up there one day. I never thought I would be so sentimental, but it really does fly by! I'm just trying to lap up every joyful, moment of it...which reminds me...I need to go tell one to sit on the potty right this minute before there is another accident. Have a great mother's day! love ya.

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