My Mission Statement

I write to serve, to unite, to educate. I write to share literature and flesh out ideas that may be of interest to others. I write to document an emotion, experience, or a blip in time. My mission is to write in such a way that the reader is reminded that we can find humor in all situations. It's one of the great blessings of life.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Still no sink...and more

Wow, Kindle is really kicking up the ads lately. I wonder if they're feeling threatened by the ipad which debuts the end of this month. It's interesting, but the kindle is everywhere right now. I love mine, but they can be dangerous.

Corey Haim is dead, and are we surprised? I don't mean to sound flip, but really, are we surprised? Child star, premature death by drugs or other risky behavior. It's a pattern. A pattern that a developed country like our own should not tolerate. Not only do we still permit child celebrities, but entire empires are built upon them. Television channels are devoted to them, and the industry is only growing. We have become a country that doesn't care about our children. Not to be gloom and doom, but what is happening to our public schools? The drug problem? The gang problem? Child abuse and neglect? Child care? It's horrifying the neglect and abuse that teachers/neighbors/social workers point out and claim that nothing can be done because a) there's no money b)too much red tape or c) it wouldn't stick (i.e. they might pull the child from the situation temporarily, then the child goes back and it's worse.). When I was a kid in school, you didn't move on in anything until everyone in the class had mastered it. You NEVER passed a kid on and rarely did anyone fail. The culture called for EVERYONE to learn it. I mean, that was the JOB of education--to get everyone educated. Also, the community was behind the schools and supportive of the children and their efforts at school. Adults in the community knew all the kids' names (or at least that's how it seemed to know), and every time they saw you on the street, they asked you about ___________(guess what?) SCHOOL! So the expectations were clear. Everyone expected you to do well. And expectations are powerful things. At any rate, my thoughts and prayers are with the Haim family--in that weird kind of American way that you can actually sympathize with people you've never met and can't remember the old lady's name who lives down the street.

My sink is still clogged. Plumber is coming today. It's been a long stinky effort with no results.

Hope you have a wonderful, amazing day. Get outside and enjoy this spring weather before it starts to rain. The robins are everywhere, so spring is really cranking up. My first jonquil bloomed yesterday and my tulips are starting to come up (isn't that out of order?). Can't wait to have a bunch of them on my counter.

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