It's my 90th blog today, so we're getting close. How will we celebrate 100? I'm still trying to decide. Please send me suggestions!
On the Holy Week front, I'd like to suggest a product I love for faith-building gifts for your kids, confirmands, etc. A company called Nelson makes these awesome versions of the New Testament that are actually magazines. They look just like a regular magazine until you read very closely. In addition to the New Century Version of scripture, there are tons of articles about issues like "How can I be the best me?" , "Top Ten questions to ask your Grandparents", and "Read it, do it," suggestions for applying the word. It's very user-friendly, fun and easy for the kids to read. The young girls' version, Blossom, is a favorite of my 10-12 year old girls and their friends. I keep it on the coffee table, and they pick it up all the time. Like I said, it looks just like a regular magazine. The men's version, Design, is also very cool. I've given the teen-age version as confirmation gifts. They run about $16.99. (they'd be great for Easter--I usually order mine from Barnes and Noble). Check them out!
My son wanted a pajama day today, so we've hung around the house doing some cleaning and organizing. I even cleaned all my ceiling fans. While I cleaned, I considered a request someone e-mailed to me yesterday. Could I suggest some YA/MG books that parents might like to read? She worried that it was a 'wierd' question, but it's not at all. More and more people are enjoying this genre but aren't sure where to start. Let me give you a few thoughts.
Previously I posted about two YA books I just love LOOKING FOR ALASKA and THE MESSENGER. Definitely check those out. I also loved AL CAPONE DOES MY SHIRTS and THE KING OF MULBERRY STREET by Donna Jo Napoli. BREAD AND ROSES by Katherine Paterson is a recent favorite and LOSER and MILKWEED, both by Jerry Spinelli, are so sweet and heart-wrenching. Also the TWILIGHT series is incredible. But many of these books are more grown-up, and I would take care when introducing them to younger children, if at all.
I haven't been writing this week much. But I'm ready to get started again. I think I'm getting some direction now. I got a book idea this morning that I'm excited about, but it's too soon to share. No word on ANCHOR, but it's with several really good editors and agents, so maybe someone will fall in love with Marina and her story.
A few redneck parenting tips:
1. This one came from a friend (and I hope Ihaven't already shared it). When cleaning out a kid's room or playroom, instead of asking which toys they want to take to goodwill. Ask them to choose ten toys to KEEP, then just take the rest. Also, I find it helps to take everything out of the room, then let them choose their ten or whatever number you choose, so they find a good home for each thing.
2. Pajama Day doesn't have to last all day. I know it's a technicality, but my son is so thrilled to have a 'pajama day' which just means he has to get dressed at lunch (just in time for his nap??). Okay it makes no sense. Let them wear the pjs all day.
3. Kid Labor is important to parents and kids. If you are reading this while stuffing plastic eggs for your kids easter egg hunt at school, WHY?? Get your kids to do it. They like that kind of thing, and they have a real motivation. If they want to have eggs to hunt at the search, they need to stuff them. Unfortunately, bed making has no such urgency. Use the urgency when you can get it.
4. When any one of your kids has a special concert or recital or art exhibition, make EVERYONE go and appreciate it. SHOWING UP is an important part of supporting family members.
5. Easter Bunny is small and he travels on foot, so he can't carry very much. Make sure your children are aware of this fact from a young age.
Have a great day! xoxox
Welcome to ChitChat. I am the mother of four children and a writer of children's literature trying to make sense of it all. Join me as we talk about family, children, education, current events and GREAT BOOKS!
My Mission Statement
I write to serve, to unite, to educate. I write to share literature and flesh out ideas that may be of interest to others. I write to document an emotion, experience, or a blip in time. My mission is to write in such a way that the reader is reminded that we can find humor in all situations. It's one of the great blessings of life.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
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Isabel by Donna Jones Koppelman

Major Bear at the Grove Park Inn by Donna Jones Koppelman

1 comment:
I especially love/appreciate Tip 5.
I've also tried to keep the Bunny from having too much "carrying" power (we have birthdays here that surround Easter, so our bunny isn't just weak but also frugal). Keeping bunny gifts simple is even more appreciated (by us, maybe not our kids) now that we've revealed the truth/myth. We can concentrate on the true spirit of the season without being overshadowed by a formerly too generous big-eared fella.
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