Welcome to my birthday party! I'm so glad you've come. Can I take your coat? Oh, of course you don't have one. It's a beautiful warm spring day. Please help yourself to a drink and then join us. The party wouldn't be the same without you.
First off, I'd like to say we're gathered here to celebrate my 39th birthday! My children, sweet as they are, have no real appreciation of what it has taken me to get to this day. And my husband, dear as he is, has no idea what it's like to be a woman turning 39, and you, my darling guests, may have many more years before you have to think about 39.
Well, fear not, I'll share with you all the blessings of
39ness. 39 is wonderful because no one expects you to wear a bikini anymore. You can still answer honestly that you're not 40. You're old enough that people stop asking you when you're having another baby, but you're young enough that strangers know your children belong to you. 39 is the age when you accept your body, for better or for worse, and learn to be grateful for all the working parts. You know you're not going to grow anymore, so you can occasionally indulge in great clothes or shoes. Your parents are still young and healthy, and you have no college students to worry about. You're young enough to start a new career, but old enough to have some life experience that will aid you in a new beginning.
So here's a little party favor for you. It gets better and better. What's 'it'? EVERYTHING gets better with age. Birthdays are to be celebrated and embraced because, by God, you've made it another year. I'm sure if I thought hard enough, I could come up with some things I've accomplished this year for which I'm really proud. Then, an easier task, would be to cough up a few big mistakes I've made, but I've learned from them because--guess what? I'm 39! And at 39 you LEARN from your mistakes.
Another thing that gets better with age--friendships. You learn very quickly who makes the cut and with whom you want to spend time. Who wrote that darn Toys R Us song anyway? I'm glad to grow up.
I'm over myself, you know, and it's more exciting and fulfilling than ever to just reflect on how I can give back. How can I harness my gifts and talents to leave this world better than I found it? Guess I'll know that one on a future birthday! But I'm working on it!
Thanks for coming. I hope you enjoyed the seafood. The crab dip sure went quickly. Keep eating the marinated shrimp, though, and you know that asparagus was grown locally. Oh, let me refill that drink. Bathroom is just down that hall. Yeah, I love your dress. I'm so glad you could come. Would you like some birthday cake? I made it just for you.
I hope everyone likes Jack Johnson. I was just in the mood for his music tonight. You, too? Well, I'm glad.
Well, I'm off to mingle. Thanks for coming. I'll definitely send you that recipe you asked for. And don't forget your party favor. Getting older is just getting better. Thanks for celebrating with me. xoxox
Welcome to ChitChat. I am the mother of four children and a writer of children's literature trying to make sense of it all. Join me as we talk about family, children, education, current events and GREAT BOOKS!
My Mission Statement
I write to serve, to unite, to educate. I write to share literature and flesh out ideas that may be of interest to others. I write to document an emotion, experience, or a blip in time. My mission is to write in such a way that the reader is reminded that we can find humor in all situations. It's one of the great blessings of life.
Friday, May 16, 2008
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Isabel by Donna Jones Koppelman

Major Bear at the Grove Park Inn by Donna Jones Koppelman

so sorry I just hogged your last piece of birthday cake and I think perhaps the four or five pieces before that. Sure was good. I'm usually not this hoggy but gosh, you've made me feel so okay with myself and my age and my not-quite-as-tightness that well, the cake just went down so easily. And thanks too for all that delicious seafood. I knew there'd be plenty of good things to eat.
Okay, who's up for a midnight dip in the ocean? Last one in is a... a... well, let's just say the last one in didn't quite get the party favor!
Donna, thanks so much for inviting me to your party. 39 is a milestone, but as I recall, I'd just started a whole new life, was finishing college finally, soon to start on a totally new career, fall in love and get married. I wore one of the new bikinis,too, but not as tiny as they eventually got.
I loved all the guests you invited. Isn't it funny how friends of a friend are fun to know, even if you hadn't met them before?
The food was delicious and I really want to know how you made that crab dip. I ate too much cake, but it was so good.
Talk to you later, bye now. It's about time for me to get home and to bed. I had a lovely time.
What? No more crab dip? You'd better be glad I didn't come for the food, but to see YOU. Nice outfit. You're glowing. 39 suits you! Just don't become one of those people who are "39" forever. 'Cause as an over-40 girl, I'm here to tell you that you ain't seen nothing yet. (And the last time my 70+ mother-in-law went to the beach, the whole gang of her girlfriends got temp tattoos and toe rings...and skinny-dipped.)
Happy Birthday, darrrling! Can I have more cake?
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the party it was lots of fun!
So glad to see the party was still going on since I had to arrive late- today! What a great time! Of course, I had a lot of catching up to do since everyone had a head start. Loved the food; I just wish I didn't have the same outfit on as that other girl. Loved your friends. Hope your bday was fantastic!
I just LOVED having you all here to share my birthday. Hope you're enjoying your favor! Amazingly, there was no food left. It's the first time I've ever made perfect portions. Thanks for coming and commenting. Your mamas raised you to be good guests :).
I just LOVED having you all here to share my birthday. Hope you're enjoying your favor! Amazingly, there was no food left. It's the first time I've ever made perfect portions. Thanks for coming and commenting. Your mamas raised you to be good guests :).
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