My Mission Statement

I write to serve, to unite, to educate. I write to share literature and flesh out ideas that may be of interest to others. I write to document an emotion, experience, or a blip in time. My mission is to write in such a way that the reader is reminded that we can find humor in all situations. It's one of the great blessings of life.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Bringing You Up to Date

A great deal has happened since I was with you last. First of all, a first grader in our school and community was tragically killed in a car with his grandmother on the way home from a Grandparent's Day celebration at school. It's just horrible for the family and his fifth grade brother, not to mention the extended family . The grandmother is still in critical condition, unaware of the loss. Please pray for this family, the teachers, and others involved. Visitation tonight, funeral is tomorrow.

Also, we totally got it easy with Hanna and it looks like Ike is going more to the west. So that's huge. We were very worried about Ike. Hanna actually ended up giving us a good run, lots of limbs down and flooding, but it was a quickie, so it was only a couple of hours. I actually wish we'd had more rain because we need it.

The holly tree has tons of berries, and we saw a secada Friday--both signs of a cold winter. Woo hoo. I know we'll never bring Minnesota south, but I do love a cold winter. Last year was a pitiful excuse for a winter. And our last cold winter was dry as a bone, so not much snow.

Yesterday was kick-off everything at church. It was exhausting to be there, on the 'day of rest', pretty much all day and evening long. But now it's complete, so that's a good thing. My 6th grader is so excited about being in youth group for the first time, and, of course, my 7th grader is already blase. I began teaching the high school sunday school class. I'm really excited. It cracks me up how into coffee these kids are, so I'm going to have coffee for them on Sunday morning. Reminds me of that scene from You've Got Mail (my favorite movie) when the Joe Fox says the customers won't be able to stay away from cheap books and legal stimulants. ha I SO identify with that.

Well, it seems I don't have much to say, now, do I? My mother-in-law is here today to go to grandparent's day with my son. Should be fun. I'm making a tomato pie for supper, yummm. I'm getting sad because the tomatoes will be ending soon, at least the good summer ones. I guess I should gear up for butternut squash and the like.

This week is the great birthday run at our house. We've got a birthday Friday, Saturday and Monday, so that should keep me busy this week, as well.

Oh, and on the writing front. I've been doing some research, with the thought of a book or article, on something of historical significance that happened in our community. I met with this darling lady who has been doing research on this topic for 50 years and has found LOTS of discrepancies in the recorded history books and records. This should get interesting in a small town like mine. Kind of makes me want to back off!

Have a great one.

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