My Mission Statement

I write to serve, to unite, to educate. I write to share literature and flesh out ideas that may be of interest to others. I write to document an emotion, experience, or a blip in time. My mission is to write in such a way that the reader is reminded that we can find humor in all situations. It's one of the great blessings of life.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

About the Super Glue

Yesterday KS commented, "What about the superglue?" And she's SO RIGHT. I never followed up on that. Funny enough, as I was washing all the camp clothes yesterday, I came across a t-shirt in H's camp bag with a mostly used tube of superglue attached to it. It appeared that either 1. she used the superglue with that shirt on and it became attached to the shirt, or 2. she threw the still-oozing glue onto the shirt in her cubby. At any rate, it reminded me to ask her the question: WHAT ABOUT THE GLUE?
Well, it turns out the emergency was a broken flip flop, but apparently there are COUNTLESS uses for superglue at camp, but I won't bore you with all that. Perhaps, I'll add that to my redneck packing for camp list next year. Ya'll remind me.
As you know, we went to Asheville this week-end with a long rainy trip back on Sunday exascerbated by the fact that we'd been up too late at the champage and book bar in downtown Asheville the night before. The girls went to a three hour soccer clinic last night to prepare for middle school soccer tryouts, the boys played outside in the stifling heat much of the day; needless to say, everyone was tired. AND we were all watching this show together about a dentist who takes his family on an RV trip but loses the keys in Amish country, so they have to join in the community. AND on the hottest day of the year, it was our first family soup night to benefit the food pantry, so lots was going on.
I decided to go upstairs for a minute to fold some clothes, then J came up and wanted to snuggle, so we sat on my bed for a minute and both of us FELL ASLEEP with the lights on and everything. Half folded pile of clothes beside me and all. Well, fast forward about 6 hours...
Apparently Chris also fell asleep but downstairs on the sofa with the kids with the soup still on (someone had turned it back on after I left to have a second bowl). He woke up at 4 A.M. to the smell of soup (ya think?), all the lights on, etc. but some sweet kid had covered him up, covered up J and me, turned off our lights upstairs, and put the dogs in their crates. The kids were all asleep, of course. So about 4 a.m. Chris and I meet up in the hall still fully dressed asking each other "What happened?" It was hilarious and a miracle the house didn't burn down.
On another note: what is WITH these huge school supply lists? A friend texted me yesterday that she had spent $88 on her daughter's school supplies. Even with the dollar tree, I spent a pretty penny for my four kids. I mean, why does a 1st grader need 8 glue sticks? In my experience, glue sticks don't even work! And dry erase markers? Do any of you remember bringing chalk or erasers to school? And 4 1 inch three-ring binders per kid? They'll never get even half of them in their bookbags. I'd be interested in hearing some totals out there if anyone wants to share. Maybe it's just a regional thing. I can't WAIT to get these school supplies out of my dining room. Even if they are organized, it's a bunch of stuff that needs to go to its natural habitat.
Well, I'm all fired up to edit my novel, last round, but I can't open the file for some unknown reason. I'm trying not to freak out because it's backed up and all, so I know it's there. BUT I just can't seem to open it. Hopefully today will be the day.
I'm sending up prayers this week to all the folks who are looking for jobs, in danger of losing their houses, and struggling to get school supplies for their kids.


Bertha said...

I glad that the superglue had a good use instead of a prank. I'm remembering the Haley Mills movies from my childhood.

Liz said...

About $150 for my 2 kids including a few wish list items. Crazy indeed. I think they are tacking on a bunch of extras because I am sure they wind up short every year.

Kudos to the kid in your house who took care of her parents and sibs last night!

Liz said...

Sorry, that was a bit unfair . . . Kudos to the kid in your house who took care of HIS OR HER parents and sibs last night!

Donna Jones Koppelman said...

I was relieved to hear the superglue wasn't a prank, too!

And it was sweet Ben, Liz. He tucked us all in, put away the dogs, and turned off the lights (though apparently didn't notice the STOVE ON!!)sheesh

Donna Jones Koppelman said...

I was relieved to hear the superglue wasn't a prank, too!

And it was sweet Ben, Liz. He tucked us all in, put away the dogs, and turned off the lights (though apparently didn't notice the STOVE ON!!)sheesh

Angie said...

We didn't do too badly with school supplies this year because the kids' backpacks are still in really good shape. But I definitely did spend as much on dry erase markers and kleenex and stuff for the room as I did for the things that will actually go in my kids' desks. Aren't budget cuts grand?!

Isabel by Donna Jones Koppelman

Isabel by Donna Jones Koppelman

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Major Bear at the Grove Park Inn by Donna Jones Koppelman