My Mission Statement

I write to serve, to unite, to educate. I write to share literature and flesh out ideas that may be of interest to others. I write to document an emotion, experience, or a blip in time. My mission is to write in such a way that the reader is reminded that we can find humor in all situations. It's one of the great blessings of life.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


For whatever reason, I needed to sound that barbaric yawp you see above. And I feel better for it. Really, I do. My desk is such a mess that I currently have the sharp end of a clipboard digging into my elbow as I type. The chocolate wrappers have gotten out of hand (a clear sign that I did a LOT of writing yesterday), the dish cloth still sits right where my water spilled, and a paper plate still holds the crumbs of my lunch sandwich yesterday. This may sound like a horrible disgusting thing to you, but to me, it signifies one thing: I'm back in the zone, baby. I had to take ibuprofen for my typing wrists last night, and I'm chomping at the bit to start again today.

This November marks the publication of Jane Yolen's 300th book. YES, she has written 300 books for children. She is an incredible contributor to the field of children's literature. She is completely inspiring to me as a writer, and I guarantee if you take a moment, she will inspire you,too. For all you writers out there (or anyone interested), go to then click on For Writers at the right hand side of the page. Some lovely, inspiring quotes. Last year at the SCBWI NY conference, I had the pleasure of hearing Allyn Johnston of Beach Lane Books talk about the process of writing for children. I was blown away by her talk about the whole child in your lap experience of picture books. I think about it all the time, every day, and the preciousness of that time with parent and child. That time deserves the very best of our creativity. Jane Yolen represents all that is magical and tender about children's literature.

SO this week-end I read a nice YA novel, SAME DIFFERENCE by Siobhan Vivian. This story really spoke to me because it is all about a suburban teen-age girl who leaves her safe and idyllic community every day for the summer to attend an arts program in nearby Philadelphia. She takes the train in every day, a long journey, and then encounters a completely different world than she is used to. This contrast prompts her to evaluate all that is familiar, her world, her friends, even her bedroom decor, and wonder about her place in the world. It reminded me so much of all my girls are experiencing now as they ride a bus an hour north to their new school in Virginia every day. They are facing a lot of new and different scenarios, and through this, they are learning a lot about themselves. But it's not easy. Because growth and change is never easy. You know I love a good tool for bibliotherapy and this is one. A great read for a teen-ager facing a big change. Also a great read for the budding artist. It is also refreshingly free of vulgarity and profanity although they do drink casually without thought or acknowledgement to the fact that they are underage.
At any rate, check it out.

Now "Let us then be up and doing with a heart for any fate. Still achieving, still pursuing, learn to labor, then to wait." Name that author. I'm off to labor. OD has tennis match today. She moved up a seat on the team since last week--woohoo! Have a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


and something like: lives of great men all remind us/ we can make our lives sublime/ and departing leave behind us/ footprints on the sands of time...?

love that hymn meter


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